

First-Year Composition (FYC) Program

Writing is a foundational skill upon which all education and knowledge is founded. Accordingly, students attending St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 must satisfy the writing comp一个nt for Goal Area One of the Liberal Education Program (地蜡). Options to meet the LEP writing requirement are determined by test scores, intended program of study and a student’s course work prior to attending St. 云州.

Most students who begin their college careers at St. 云州 complete the Goal Area One writing requirement by taking 一个 of three four-credit courses: 英格兰190年, 191, or 198. Students accepted into the 荣誉项目 often take 一个 of the honors First-Year Composition courses (HONS 160, 161, 163).

Students who transfer credit earned from previous institutions for an introductory writing course often complete the writing comp一个nt by taking the two-credit 英格兰291年. 在某些情况下, students provide evidence from previous experiences that 免除 them from the LEP writing requirement.

Exemption from FYC Courses


Non-Native 英语 Speakers