


2023年秋季, 2024年春季, 和 Summer 2024 tuition 和 fee rates are presented below 和 are subject to change without notice. 

Flat-rate tuition allows full-time undergraduate students taking 12-18 credits to pay one flat rate for their tuition. 在12-18学分的范围内, 学生可以在不支付更多学费的情况下获得更多学分, 提高他们按时毕业的能力.

将Be A Husky奖颁给所有被录取的人, 本科州外, 北达科他, 和 南达科塔州 Huskies automatically reduces tuition costs for students coming to St. 来自其他州的云州.

每年一次和每学期一次 估计 calculating tuition, student fees, housing, books 和 supplies, transportation, etc, please see the 出勤费用 page.



本科 每一个信用
Resident 和 Reciprocity (Minnesota, 北达科他, 威斯康辛州, 和 曼尼托巴)  341.22
南达科塔州  360.90
MSEP紧凑型(IN, KS, MO, NE, OH)  511.83
非居民和非Reciprocity 733.86
国际学生市场价格 375.34
校外课程 + 36.84*
继续研究/车间 + 44.90*
Interactive Television Courses / Off-Campus Continuing Education + 72.45*
护理 + 36.23*
非通识教育艺术 + 37.20*
大众传媒 + 33.46*
* This additional amount is added to the base tuition for your residency status.
Flat Rate 12 to 18 credits: Resident 和 Reciprocity (MN, WI, 和 曼尼托巴) 4,406.13
统一费率12至18学分:Reciprocity北达科他州  4,636.50
Flat Rate 12 to 18 credits: MSEP紧凑型(IN, KS, MO, NE, OH)
统一费率12至18学分:非居民和非Reciprocity 9,347.93
12至18个学分:国际学生市场价格 4,846.74
研究生 每一个信用
Resident 和 Reciprocity (Minnesota, 北达科他, 南达科塔州, 和 曼尼托巴) 516.67
Reciprocity威斯康辛州 516.67
MSEP紧凑型(IN, KS, MO, NE, OH) 775.01
非居民和非Reciprocity 784.94
应用行为分析,M.S. (BACB批准) 705.38
校外课程 + 36.84*
继续研究/车间 + 44.90*
Interactive Television Courses / Off-Campus Continuing Education + 72.45*
传播科学与疾病 + 105.61*
非通识教育艺术 + 37.20*
大众传媒 + 33.46*
* This additional amount is added to the base tuition for your residency status.
St. 云州校外硕士项目 每一个信用
工程管理硕士(MEM) 521.61
Medical 技术 Quality; Regulatory Affairs Services; Applied Clinical Research 963.50
Master of Education Administration 和 Leadership - Off-Campus 553.51
公共管理硕士-校外和在线 553.51
工商管理硕士(MBA) 每一个信用
工商管理硕士(MBA)-校园  750.75
工商管理硕士(MBA) - Off-Campus 和 Online 1,019.20
圣路易斯市大都会州立大学. 保罗  每一个信用
行政工程管理硕士(MEM) 637.27
加速100%在线硕士 每一个信用
工商管理硕士(MBA)- 7周课程 620.54
教育硕士课程- 7周课程 537.20
St. 云州博士项目 每一个信用
博士课程-校园和在线                                                               757.72
博士课程-校外 867.17


All Student Tuition 和 Fee rate structures are authorized by the 明尼苏达州 Colleges 和 Universities under Board Policy 5.11, 和 all colleges 和 universities are required to charge tuition 和 fees consistent with Minnesota statutes 和 policies. The Student Fee Allocation Committee, comprised of 9 students elected through 学生会, make an annual recommendation to the President of the University as to what the student fee structure should be each year. The technology fee is recommended by a separate student government committee.

学费 固定费用 每一个信用 信用额度
保健服务费 76.49
学生活动 12.75 9
威尼斯人官网 6.22 9
设备评估 8.24 9
学生会 16.89 9
技术 12.36 没有一个
美国学生 .80 没有一个
总计 76.49 57.26
每学分总费用(1-9学分) 76.49(保健服务固定费用)+ 57.每学分26元
每学分总费用(9学分后) 13.每学分16元
迎新费用(包括辅导及注册日费用) 75.00
尊重与责任工作坊费用 N/A


保健服务费: Allocated to the Medical Clinic operating budget allowing the University to offer on-campus medical services to all students.

学生活动费: Allocated to seven director managed areas 和 the Senate Finance Committee (SFC). The SFC allocates funds to student organizations along with KVSC, 水下电视, 和学生会协会.

  • 校园康乐/体育设施
  • 林德格伦儿童保育中心
  • 校园参与部(DCI)
  • 女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性人(LGBT)
  • 多元文化学生服务(MSS)
  • 退伍军人中心
  • 女性中心

田径的费用: This fee allows free access for all students to Intercollegiate Athletic events, 和 provides additional 威尼斯人官网 department operating budget.

设施评估费: 用于支付健身中心的债务, 体育场/圆顶, 和阿特伍德纪念中心.

学生会费用: Allocated to the Atwood Memorial Center (AMC) operating budget. AMC is a student-owned facility providing services 和 meeting spaces for students.

技术费: Provides funding for technology initiatives benefiting students across campus.

学生联合费: 美国学生 is the state-wide student organization comprised of the seven MN state universities. 美国学生 lobbies our state 和 federal legislatures for funding of higher education institutions. (以前称为MSUSA费.)

St. 云状态适用 明尼苏达州立学院和大学政策.11步骤5.11.1 在确定学费和费用数额时.


Minnesota residents that are age 62 or older are charged a $20 per credit administrative fee plus minimal st和ard fees to attend "for credit" courses. 如果课程是“供审核”, 在可用空间的基础上, 每个学分不收取任何行政费用.

明尼苏达州法令135A的规定.52 indicate senior citizen rates apply “when space is available after all tuition-paying students have been accommodated.” Doctoral credits are not eligible for senior citizen rates when doctoral cohort enrollment caps are reached 和 a wait list is generated with tuition-paying students who have not been accommodated.



Students may prove their eligibility for in-state tuition by demonstrating domicile in Minnesota. Students have the burden of proving domicile for in-state tuition purposes.

定义: A domicile is a person's true, fixed 和 permanent living place. Domicile is the place to which a person intends to return after temporary absences. 一个人一次只能有一个住所.

我有资格获得住校学费吗? To determine if you qualify for MN resident tuition, download the 居民学费分类申请 (pdf)表格及查阅左侧的条件. 如果你满足其中一个条件, fill out the application 和 submit it (along with the proper documentation) to the Records 和 Registration Office.

我如何申请大学学费? 请下载 居民学费分类申请 (pdf),并交回档案局 & Registration, 118 Administrative Services Building, 720 Fourth Avenue South, St. 云,MN 56301-4498. Please include appropriate documentation as indicated on the request form.

If you have any questions about the residency application, 请与档案办公室联系 & 报名电话:(320)308-2111或 registrar@bobbyingano.com.



Students may be eligible to pay reciprocity tuition rates at St 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 if they are residents of a state in which MN has a reciprocity agreement:

  • 北达科他 -有关申请和更多信息,请访问 北达科他州大学系统网站 (701) 328-2960
  • 南达科塔州 – All students from 南达科塔州 are granted automatic reciprocity. It is the student’s responsibility to verify the tuition charged is correct.
  • 威斯康辛州 -有关申请和更多信息,请访问 威斯康星州高等教育委员会网站 (608) 267-2206

St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 also has a reciprocity agreement for people who are residents of the following province:

  • 曼尼托巴 – All students from 曼尼托巴 are granted automatic reciprocity. It is the student’s responsibility to verify the tuition charged is correct.

If you have any questions regarding the reciprocity agreement, 包括如何申请, 请与你的家乡州联系.

If you have further questions about the reciprocity application, 请与档案办公室联系 & 报名电话:(320)308-2111或 registrar@bobbyingano.com.


  • 来自印第安纳州的学生, 伊利诺斯州, 堪萨斯, 密苏里州, 内布拉斯加州, 和俄亥俄州也可能有资格获得学费减免 中西部学生交换计划.
  • 所有的学生都被授予圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城支付居民学费.
