地理系 & 规划



学术实习 is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theories learned in the classroom with practical application and skill development in a professional setting. Students earn academic credit and are evaluated according to a job description that is incorporated into a course.

实习 are overseen by a faculty member and by a designated employee of the host organization. Academic learning objectives are integral to the internship, distinguishing them from volunteer positions or jobs.

For all internships occurring at a current place of employment, the internship duties must be outside of your normal daily tasks. Special projects will be taken into consideration. 


Geography and GIS 实习 1 - 12学分

Students studying geography or GIS are not required to complete an internship for credit, but it is available as an option. 学分范围从1-12. 

实习协调员: 艾萨克·奥尔森
电子邮件: 以撒.olson@bobbyingano.com
电话: (320) 308-6080

GEOG 444 - Internship: 本科

Hospitality and Tourism 实习 6 - 12学分

实习 are built into the Hospitality and Tourism degree program. A minimum of a 6-credit internship (600 hours) is required, but is available up to 12 credits.  

HTSM major (minors not eligible)
'C' or better in all HTSM courses
Completion of 60 university credits prior to the first day of internship

实习协调员: 克里斯蒂Modrow
电子邮件: kkmodrow@bobbyingano.com
电话: (320) 308-6080

HTSM 444 - Internship: 本科

Land 调查ing and Mapping Sciences 实习 1 - 12学分

Students will expand and refine their classroom learning with a 1-credit internship, which is built into the degree. Additional internship credits available. 

实习协调员: 埃里克·富勒
电子邮件: eifuller@bobbyingano.com

GEOG 444 - Internship: 本科

规划 and 社区 Development 实习 3-16学分

An internship is built into each student's degree with semester-long internships available in rural, 郊区, or urban communities to peak each student's personal interests. 

实习协调员: Dr. Chukwunyere Ugochukwu
电子邮件: ccugochukwu@bobbyingano.com

CMTY 444 - Internship: 本科



Past Geography/GIS Internship sites

Past Hospitality and Tourism internship sites

Past Land 调查ing and Mapping Sciences internship sites

Past 规划 and 社区 Development internship sites